Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In my dreams... literally.

Last night, or maybe morning... like the time of morning where you're waking up, but still sleeping... In any case, around that time i had a Finland dream. Somehow, i had come into exactly a million dollars. Not around a million, exactly a million. I think i had helped invent something, not sure though. I think it was something like in The Jerk where Steve Martin's character gets a lot of money for inventing the Opti-Grab. Something like that.

So i'd gotten a million dollars so, of course, i moved to Finland. However, even though i had a million dollars, i didn't get my own place. Instead i was staying on Saila's couch in her new apartment. I was casually looking for jobs, but not really trying hard, because i didn't really have to work. And that's all i remember.

Overall, very pleasant, but very weird. I hope in my dream i was at least helping Saila pay bills. That's kind of freeloading of me...

*sigh* I miss Finland.


danielle (atl) said...

oh my goodness
I had a dream that night that I won $1500 on a scratch-off lottery ticket and used it to go to Japan.

We must be broke to be dreaming like this, don't you think? Rich people don't have dreams about winning money.

Ben said...

haha, probably not...